Parent Teacher Association

Our mission as a Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at St. Peter School is to provide support to our educators and encourage the connection between the families and our school.  The PTA also sponsors and organizes school events, which deepen our community spirit and enrich our children’s social and developmental experiences at St. Peter School.


What We Do?

PTA provides a volunteer network that supports Head Room Parents, Scholastic Book Fair, Kindergarten Round-Up, Lunch Room Volunteers and more. It also sponsors and organizes many events year round to support our students and staff at St. Peter School.

Our events include 3 lunches for faculty and staff throughout the year, the Father/Daughter dance, Pancake & Sausage breakfast, and the School Picnic to end the year.


Meetings dates generally take place on the third Thursday of every month at 11:00am in the gym kitchen. Dates are subject to change. E-mail the school office if you would like the date of the upcoming meeting. Anyone is welcome to attend!

2024-2025 PTA Board
PresidentLauren Santora
Vice PresidentNatalie Meyer
TreasurerMindee Miller
SecretaryKristin Peters
Marketing Coordinator
School Supplies CoordinatorMindy Hough
Lunchroom CoordinatorTammy Harrison
Book Fair CoordinatorJamie Scholz
Pancake Breakfast ChairpersonAmanda Monteyne
School Picnic ChairpersonMindee Miller

PTA Yearly Events


School Supply Pick Up– Scheduled before school begins. Communication to parents sent out prior to pick up date.

Back to School Teacher Lunch- PTA members plan, set up, work, and clean up at the teacher luncheon provided before school starts.

Playground Mulch- PTA replenish every other year as needed.


Fall Scholastic Book Fair– PTA supports this event with volunteers to work, including the chairperson.


Parent/Teacher Conference Luncheon– PTA plans this lunch for the ½ day of school before the teachers have conferences.


Pancake Breakfast– PTA sponsors this event to kickoff Catholic Schools week. We bring “Chris Cakes” in from St. Louis to provide breakfast and entertainment during this fun event.  The chairperson is on the PTA board and we support this event with volunteers.

Catholic Schools WeekCatholic Schools Week generally occurs the last week in January. PTA provides popcorn for the movie day.

Father/Daughter Dance– PTA recruits a chairperson, volunteers, and supplies to host a dance for girls and their dads in January or February.


Kindergarten Round Up– PTA helps support this event by getting volunteers.  This is usually sometime in March.

Spring Scholastic Book Fair- PTA supports this event with volunteers to work, including the chairperson.


Teacher Appreciation Week– PTA provides something special for the teachers, including a teacher luncheon where all staff can eat lunch at the same time. Recess and lunch duties are covered by volunteers.

End of the year School Picnic- PTA provides a chairperson to organize and plan the end of the year school picnic. We provide supplies, food and volunteers for this event.